Sunday 15 September 2024

Kurukh kheri 📜

In the forest’s heart, where secret echoes,  
Lives the tale of the Orangs, beneath the cosmos.  
With Kurukh tongues, they speak to the land,  
The skies listen, and the winds understand.

From Chotanagpur’s ancient rise,  
Under endless, starry skies,  
Guardians of soil, of tree, of grain,  
Their roots hold fast through time and pain.

Farmers and Worriors, fierce and bold,  
Our ancestors' dandi in stories told.  
Through drumbeats so deep, 
through Nalna and dandi,  
To the rhythm of the mandar and nagra, 
we have danced all along.

Heroes rise in every fight,  
With spirits strong and hearts of light.  
Jatra Bhagat, with courage known,  
Led his people, and broke chains of stone.  
For land and life, for truth and youth,  
He kindled the flame of the Orang's root.

Far from home, their journey led,  
To Assam’s fields where labor spread.  
Yet in their hearts, they carried whole,  
The customs, stories, and strength of soul.

In every land, the Orang grow,  
Their spirit wild like rivers flow.  
They plant the seeds of peace and might,  
Led by their ancestors' guiding light.

Their festivals bloom in vibrant hues,  
Karma and Sarhul in joy renew.  
The earth, their mother, the sky, their kin,  
In every leaf, their souls begin.

Though lands may shift and borders change,  
The Orang spirit stays untamed.  
Kurukh still whispers in the breeze,  
In the trees’ sway, and the songs of seas.

Through trials long, their path unfolds,  
A tale of strength forever told.  
The Orang stand, unyielding still,  
With hearts of fire, with timeless will.

~Tersina Maria Toppo

Wednesday 11 September 2024

A World Without Human

In a world untouched by human hand,
Nature reigns in vast expanse,
Forests whisper secrets to the wind,
Mountains stand in timeless stance.

No bustling cities, no concrete walls,
No echoes of human calls,
The oceans breathe a tranquil sigh,
Underneath an endless sky.

Animals roam without a care,
Through fields of wildflowers rare,
Rivers flow with crystal grace,
In this serene and peaceful place.

Yet absence leaves a void, it's true,
For human spirit, creativity too,
Though nature thrives in silent might,
A world without us lacks our light.

Monday 2 October 2023


In the embrace of love's purest art,
Stands the pillars of life, 
right from the start.
Parents, the architects of dreams we hold,
Guiding us with stories, wisdom untold.

A mother's touch, tender and warm,
A lighthouse in the storm, 
a haven from harm.
Her soothing words, a comforting song,
In her gentle strength, we all belong.

A father's guidance, steady and strong,
Teaching us resilience, 
teaching us right from wrong.
His silent sacrifices, a beacon of might,
Illuminating paths through day and night.

Through laughter and tears, 
they stand by our side,
A love that's unwavering, an eternal guide.
In the tapestry of life, they weave their art,
Parents, the embodiment of love's very heart.

Thank You
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Saturday 12 August 2023


In shadows cast by unspeakable pain,
A survivor's strength rises, a beacon to gain.
From a dark ordeal, they emerge with might,
A testament to resilience, to reclaim the light.

In their eyes, a fire burns, fierce and strong,
A spirit unbreakable, a melody of song.
They refuse to be defined by the past's cruel hand,
Choosing to stand tall, to forever withstand.

Though scars may linger, their courage shines bright,
Guiding others through darkness, towards the light.
Let empathy and support be our steadfast creed,
For a survivor's journey, we all must heed.

With love and compassion, let's break the chain,
And help them find healing, strength to regain.
May their stories be heard, their voices rise,
In unity, we stand, against such cruel skies.

Thank You
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Sunday 25 July 2021


Who Are We?
How Much Do We Really Know?
Are We Alive For Nothing?
A Big Bang, And Here We Go!

Did A Higher Power Snap Their Fingers?
Animals And My Disgusting Humans.
Is An Advance Civilization Watching Us?
Maybe They Are Laughing.
Look At Them, They Can't Be Serious.
Are Our History Book Factual?
Or Just A Clean Up Of What's Actually Real.

Would You Trust A Friend If They Lied To You For 50 Times?
Guided You To Endless Doors, Dead Ends.
Pushing All Their Secrets Aside.

Is It All For The Good Of The People?
Or Blind Driving Blind Deeper Into A Black Hole?
How Are There So Many Unanswered Questions For Events That Changed The World The Course Of Our History?

How Can You Build A Solid House With Chalks Of Your Sturdy Foundation That Just Seems To Be Missing?

Are We All What We Seem To Be?
Just Leave It To The Weirdos To Believe.
There's A Little Truth In CONSPIRACY 😌

Thank You 

Tersina Maria Toppo 

Thursday 15 July 2021


Wonder Mix And Match Edge Breath Couldn't Be Great Replace.
How Are You? STRESS!
What Do I Do Now? 

Keep It Hidden Where We Are Going.
What's In Everyone's Head? AGE!
When Are We Doing This Tomorrow? 

Hope Is An Empty Pit.
I Hope We'll Meet Again! ENDLESSLY.
Did We Change? HESITATE! 

Why Are You Sitting There?
Human Nature Is Lost. 

Can You Feel It What's Stuck Inside You?
Thus The End Gave Me Advise, 
Charming Blade! RELAX. 

Your Eyes Are Focused To See More Than Your Soul Can Take. 
For Whom Does It Fall Into Now? 
Anybody Want To Answer That? 

Sometimes You Have To Do It. 
We Can Make It Simpler. 

A Glass Of Whiskey,  
Make It Up! 
From All Direction, 
Have A Laugh And A Joke. 

A Life Full Of PREDATORS. 
Escape From Nature. 
What Makes You Different? 

Hopefully Innocence,
Something In The Woods. 
I Want To Be There. 
Sock Puppet, Bag Of Tricks. 

What Are You Racing For? 
Movement, Sister, Internal, Color! 
Walk Of Life! 
Would It Be Fun? 

Learning Backwards To Carry Moving In One Direction. USEFUL! 
Purpose Is A Pitch Shade. 

Things Are Falling Of Cliffs, 
That What They Do. 

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Friday 11 December 2020


Life is nothing but Moments. The fights and cuddles you had with your siblings, friends, lover is just a Moment. The time you were up all night doing your assignment is just a Moment. The evening you watched the sunset with the person whom you thought you'd marry is just a Moment. Appreciate the moments you have been given and the people you've spent with. Because no matter how beautiful or tragic the moment might be, it always ends. So hold on a little tighter, give a little bigger, forgive a little quicker, laugh a little louder, and love a whole lot deeper because this are the moments you will remember when you're old and wishing you could rewind time. Not a single thing last forever, so you better damn enjoy before it's all gone. 

Every ups and every downs and everything between is just a Moment that passes with time. You may remember this moment or may not, but what you will surely remember is the people with whom you spent those memorable moments. All of the Moment and feelings and people combined to make up a bigger moment is call Life. In all the eternity, our Life is just a Moment.

Thank - You
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Worry Not!

It's so easy to worry about every little detail in life, but worrying won't help you achieve a single thing... Always try to be the best person you can be... Be kind even when you are tired, and be understanding even when you are angry... Do more than you are asked, and don't expect anything in return (Expecting Hurts The Most)... Be the greatest person you can possibly be and when you mess up your life, try to fight with yourself for your mistakes... Never spent your time trying to prove yourself great to anybody, coz your actions will speak for themselves and we never know when we gonna sleep in eternal peace... If someone doesn't see you spark, don't worry.... For whom will you be worried for? For the one who doesn't even care for your success? Or for the one for whom you are trying to be perfect? Nobody really cares! People will love you till you serve them and lick their toes... Once you try to live for yourself they will start Humiliate you.... Bitter truth indeed! 

You know we fall into some sort of situation where we get lost and find no way because all we imagine is darkness... For example - if you are left in a dark room and lock from the outside, will you be sitting there ideally on the floor or will you try to find out the door and start banging it until its hook becomes weak and you could escape from that scary dark rrom? 
Similarly with our lives too, we get lost in the darkness of life for our own mistakes which we have made knowingly or unknowingly... But we think it's too late to repent but NO, "It's Never Too Late To Repent". Always try to find hope in your Negativity, Coz overcoming over worst past makes you feel like "Yes I'm Going One Step Forward". 
If you can't find the motivation to get to the work on something, focus yourself to pick it up for just two minutes. The key word is focus; procrastination is tempting, but keep in mind that there is nothing physically stopping you from doing what you have to do. After two minutes if you still don't wanna do it then put it away and do something else which energies you and make you feel fresh...
People will feed you 1 week or 2, and after that even your own brother will get irritated of you... So live for yourself, Live for you selfish needs, Live for your parents, Live for a purpose, Live because God is good, Live because you are who you are meant to be... 

Thank - You
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Friday 6 November 2020


You are young only for Once. No one remembers the night they got plenty of sleep. Go out and do something fun. I know future plays a very crucial role in curving our lives but how can you mold your future if you don't care about your present. "Don't kill your NOW to mold Your THEN". You can never bring back your past, regret or react. You cannot be a toddler once you become a teenager, you cannot become a teenager once you become an adult. My Mom says "It will Be Too Late Once We Realise The Value Of Something", I felt that. Although the perfect moment might never come but at least you will live the life to the fullest, enjoying each second. You'll just get old and keep wishing you had participated in more school programs, wishing you had talked to the cute guy/girl, wishing you had told your parents about how much you love and care for them. At the end of the day, it is not about how much famous you were, how much you earned, how many people talked shits about you, how many followers you gained. Life is all about the memories you made and the love you had for the people you made them with. This isn't another motivation post but at least this is a chance for you right now to make a true lasting impact in your life. To live a better life. Chase your dreams. Make memories. And most importantly, spend your time with the people you love the most. 

Once a Great Man Said "Something Is Better Than Nothing". But from my prospective, I think that being alone and enjoying your own company is better than being around fake people who will one day leave you and never turn back. It really sucks watching some people faking their relationship with others for whom they don't even care for. They are together just for the sake of popularity and power. Be someone who can wash the face among the public yet look Beautiful and Glowing, don't become a person who wash off their make-up once the day ends. Hey! Enjoy with the company of 3 or 4, trust me that will give you so much strength and you will get more positivity beneath yourself. Isn't it so rare to see someone living his/her life in their original habitat. Like wearing whatever they like, behaving the way they originally are, spending time with family specially with parents and siblings. We are so lost in our imaginary artificial life that we even forget that we gonna die one day appreciating the fake life. We are in a place where celebrating birthdays with friends are more important than thanking parents for giving us a gift of life, we ask our parents gifts on our birthday (although they gave us the greatest gift of all that is the gift of life) instead it's our responsibility to celebrate the day with them rather than with friends, being alone is regarded as less popular and being in a crowd of fake people (peers) seem popular, putting makeup makes someone look so beautiful than staying in original skin tone, branded clothing seems fashionable than wearing salwar.

When we were kids we couldn't wait to grow up and be a free bird. But we aren't free. When we were kids we would beg our parents to stay up late because we hated going to sleep and see us now hunting for time to get at least 10 minutes of sleep. We used to think that our friends would stay with us forever and would never leave each other and look at us now we don't even talk with each other anymore. Life is a limited edition. Everything we have in our life is limited. So make the correct use of every second and make the most delightful memories with the people who are really gonna be by your side though the good and bad times not with the one who believe in faking more than accepting the reality. We are in a stage where future becomes more important than the present. Who can guarantee that you will wake up again after sleeping last night. You never know what's coming in each second of your life so appreciate the present more than worrying about your future. 

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Saturday 31 October 2020

Teen Lovies 🗯️

Falling in love as a teenager is really amazing. It teaches many lessons. But 85% of the teenagers stay in relationship just to adjust with the peer or to showoff. But the one who stay together till the end are worth of thousand diamonds. I sit back and observe every person in my life. I'm not the kind of person who love having daily conversations but i do care about every single person in my life including the rats and lizards of my home. I know who motivates me and who keeps the friendship real. I know who talk about me and smile at my face. I know who I can trust and who I need to keep a distance with. Just because I let you be the way you are to me, don't think it's as if I'm unaware of what really goes on. 

Here's the truth, Being pretty doesn't keep a man. Being honest doesn't keep a man, being loyal doesn't keep a man either. My Mom taught me something about relationships, she told me to never be the one to love the other person more. I always thought that was odd. That was until I saw my Dad treating my Mom wrong Because He always knew she will always be her side no matter what, because she loved and respected my Dad more. That's why when I started to fall I catch myself up. I don't want to be the one to love more  because I've seen what that does to people. 

One day that all gonna pass away, you can waste your time focusing on all the bad things. But one day you are going to wish you were still a teenager, not to enjoy being teenagers again but to correct the mistakes you have done as a teen.... Regret the rude stuffs you have said to your parents and family members to enjoy your life, regret wasting time on the things you shouldn't have done, regret for not being obedient and faking yourself on social media etc.

On the street of Teen we meet many new stuffs, we learn, we cheat, we lie, we criticize, we fight over stupid things, shits happens. We fall in love and end up getting hurt, not all, some High-school love stories really inspire us to fall love. We hate people for no reason, hang out with friends etc... Putting makeup makes you prettier than being you actually are in real. It's the time period when we don't want anyone to control our life by anyone. Being in relationship with a man is more important that being in true love with someone. 

It's okay to make mistakes and being rude... It is the age itself of being mean and living life in you own way and making most of it. But during those time period did you ever realised how much you must have hurt you parents by tell the stuffs you should have told.

Someone once said, "Life Is A Beautiful Lie". And I felt that. 

Thank You
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Friday 16 October 2020

A Family With "COMPROMISE" Is Not A Family! 🗯️

 A Family With "COMPROMISE" is not a family. A family with "COMPROMISE" can be defined as a bunch of people living together in a house along with the tag COMPROMISE.

Behind every good relationship are the difficult and uncomfortable conversations we rarely get to hear or see. Great relationships doesn't just fall into our laps. They require people to move through their fears and insecurities and do the hard work to move wounds into healing. Not having a good relationship with the family itself is the root of unhappy life. Happy are those

Its sad when a family doesn't share their feelings, sadness, and happiness, with each other. The day will come when we have to regret it. And the day is called the FUNERAL.

Many parents wonder why their kids aren't honest with them, and never realise their own non-respective behaviour and failure to listen are the reason why.

Kids just don't become liers, rude, disrespectful because of their peers. One of the most core factor is "THE COLLISION BETWEEN FAMILYs".

Shoutout to the people who grew up with emotionally unsupportive parents (the collision between parents) and have to hear from other people's talk about how supportive their families are while you're basically guiding yourself through life. You are strong and brave.

Invisible abuse is worse than physical abuse. The harm that you get in your heart and mind are impossible to vanish completely. The invisible harm will always leave a scar which is never cured. If you wish your parents had hit you and left marks on you that means they have already hurt you worse than that and you only wish. If they put you on a situation where you wish you have been physically harmed, it means you are already tortured beyond that.

Thank you

~Tersina Maria Toppo

Kurukh kheri 📜

In the forest’s heart, where secret echoes,   Lives the tale of the Orangs, beneath the cosmos.   With Kurukh tongues, they speak to the lan...