Tuesday 23 June 2020

MENs ♂️

Not only men could be all of those things, but a woman can't be it too. Men can be house husbands or stay at home dad’s if they choose to without feeling ashamed of themselves. Men can cry. Men can cook. Men can be so comfortable with their own self that being in a relationship with a woman that makes her own decisions does not threaten their place in this world because they do not need to ‘allow’ her to be herself. But, having said that, if you feel uncomfortable learning about men’s rights via reading about women’s rights, then you should check out this page - so far, I found no unnecessary attention on women, nor any sort of toxic gender bashing. If anything, it was quite educational. So my boys, I want you to know that there’s people out there fighting for causes that have impacts on your life in productive ways. We’re listening. We’re here. We love you.

When someone says ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ are they actually saying, boys are abusive, boys are intolerant, boys are rapists. Because that’s not something I remember saying YES to. This isn’t how we want to raise our kids. We need a better definition of what it means to be a BOY, one that doesn’t suggest that Boys will abuse and Boys will threaten to rape and Boys will casually objectify women. A definition which includes, Boys will treat people - will treat girls - with respect and equality. We need to redefine our expectations for boys. We need a definition that sets a higher bar for what it means to be a boy instead of "they’re just young’, ‘it’s just boy talk’ or even ‘if girls dress like that then what do you expect from boys? We need to stop victim blaming. We need to stop encouraging sexism.
  • How about boys will be caring.
  • Boys will be patient.
  • Boys will be supportive.
  • Boys will be able to accept their mistakes.
  • Boys will be understanding.
  • Boys will be able to grow.
  • Boys will be equally responsible.
  • Boys will be sensitive.
  • Boys will be vulnerable.
  • Boys will ask for consent.
  • Boys will be more emotionally present as fathers.
  • Boys will not be disgusted by periods.

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

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