Thursday 4 June 2020


I am SO SORRY๐Ÿ™ Amma and Baby Elephant๐Ÿ˜

Unlike any other pregnant MOTHER, she was also waiting for the day to see her little BABY. Bringing Gentle Animals Into The World For The Sole Purpose Of ENSLAVING Them, INFLICTING Pain, And SUFFERING And MUTILATING Their Innocent Bodies, Is A Disturbing Act Of CRUELTY And VIOLENCE By So Called INTELLIGENT HUMAN...Being Human Means We Have A Choice... We Can Speak, We Can Express Ourselves... The Moral Burden Of That Freedom Of Choice Compels Us To Spare An Innocent ANIMAL Suffering And Death Because We Can... 
How Many Images Do You Have To See, Before Your Heart Ache As Much As Mine... How May Stories Do You Need To Be Told, Before You Open Your EYES , Your HEART , Your SOUL And Your MIND ... We Have The Power To Change Things, A Way To Stop Their PAIN... You Just Need To Go VAGAN... Never Pay Towards Cruelty Again... You Won't Target That You Did It... Only That You Hadn't Done It Before... So, Step Towards Compassion, And Leave The Pain Behind A Locked Door...

(According To The Sources) 
The pregnant ELEPHANT was fed pineapple where the crackers were stuffed In , which exploded in her mouth and damaged her jaw. She walked around the village and finally passed away standing in the river. She was about to give birth to her child in around 18-20 weeks. 

Indians Who Gives Tips To Become Beautiful And Have FAIR Skin, Are Shouting Black Lives Matters. SHAME ON YOU ๐Ÿ—ฏ️ 

There are billion of people who are fighting for the justice of George Floyd... And even the Indians are supporting for his justice... I'm not against anyone, and i don't wanna discriminate anyone... I myself am a Dravidian... All my four father's complexion were dark... 
But to all the Indians out there, who never raise voice or put something on social media regarding the problems in our own country... And now they are raising voice for the U.S.A incident... Sorry to say but, SHAME ON YOU... 

We all know that we have the freedom to Ourselves... But for all those Uncles, Aunties, Sisters, Brother etc out there, who spend thousands of money on their face and body... Writing #BlackLivesMatters won't make you superior until you accept ur own body... I have gone through 85% of Indian Celebrities Instagram, and among those 85%, almost 75% of them have raised voice for the #BlackLives... And only 10% of the Indian Celebrities have raised voices for the justice for The Pregnant Elephant & Her Unborn Baby...

This is what we Indians are learning from our childhood regarding Beauty & Ugly.. I don't think, I need to explain more about this picture... I would like to conclude by saying that If You Can't Stand For Your Own People, Then What will You Get By Standing For Others... I'm really shocked by the interest of the Indians... Never Do For The Sake Of Doing... Try To Feel Empathy Don't Fake Your Sympathy.. 

Thank You, 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

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