Tuesday, 30 June 2020


Demons Shouting In My Head, 
Please Help Me, My Heart Ache. 
No, No Please Don't Neglect Me, Don't Shout, 
I'm Scared, Can You Hear Me? 
I Can Also Do It, 
If You Just Give Me A Chance. 
A Thousand Dreams Beneath My Head, 
A Million Emotions Beneath My Heart. 
Is It Okay To Be Not Normal,? 
Is It Okay To Be Slow?
Sorry For Not Being Perfect, 
Sorry For Not Being Normal. 
I Wish And I Promise, 
Never To Disappoint Ever Again. 

Thank You
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Friday, 26 June 2020


Maybe happiness is not about us, as individuals. 
Maybe it is not something that arrives into us. 
Maybe happiness is felt heading out, not in. 
Maybe happiness is what we deserve because we worth it. Maybe happiness is not about what we can get. 
Maybe happiness is all about what we already have. 

Maybe happiness is about what we can give. 
Maybe happiness is not a butterfly that we can catch. 
Maybe there is certain way to be happy.
Maybe there are only Maybes.
Maybe the nows are made of Maybes.
Maybe the point of life is to give up certainly and to embrace life's beautiful uncertainty.

Thank You
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Thursday, 25 June 2020


Maybe It Was The World That Touched You, Where You Thought Nobody Understood You.

Maybe It Was The Touch That Cherished That Way, The Arm Around You, The Emptiness That Was Filled Up.

Someone You Could Talked To, Someone Who Listened.
Maybe That Person Didn't Understand You.
Maybe The Void Wasn't Filled In The Right Way.
Maybe The Beauty Was Not Enough To Make The Dark Side Forget.

But At That Moment, What You Needed Was What Filled you Void, Right Or Wrong.
You Loved The Person Because Of His/Her Beautiful Side, The Beautiful Memories That You Have Built.
And It's Okay To Acknowledge That, It Might Have Been Nothing More Than A Consolation, A Dream, A Memory, A Relationship That Did Not Meet Your Expectations. A Relationship In Which You Did Not Match, A Good Hope, With A Painful Outcome.

It's Okay When Your Expectation, Your Dreams, And Your Hope Lead To Disappointment, Painful, Difficult And Sad. But It's Okay. Because This Means You Have Tried It, That You Have Learnt From It, That You Make Each Other An Experience Richer.

You Get Up Again, You Take Your Experience With You, You Look At Yourself And Your Focus. You Focus On Not Other But You Focus On Yourself.

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

MENs ♂️

Not only men could be all of those things, but a woman can't be it too. Men can be house husbands or stay at home dad’s if they choose to without feeling ashamed of themselves. Men can cry. Men can cook. Men can be so comfortable with their own self that being in a relationship with a woman that makes her own decisions does not threaten their place in this world because they do not need to ‘allow’ her to be herself. But, having said that, if you feel uncomfortable learning about men’s rights via reading about women’s rights, then you should check out this page - so far, I found no unnecessary attention on women, nor any sort of toxic gender bashing. If anything, it was quite educational. So my boys, I want you to know that there’s people out there fighting for causes that have impacts on your life in productive ways. We’re listening. We’re here. We love you.

When someone says ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ are they actually saying, boys are abusive, boys are intolerant, boys are rapists. Because that’s not something I remember saying YES to. This isn’t how we want to raise our kids. We need a better definition of what it means to be a BOY, one that doesn’t suggest that Boys will abuse and Boys will threaten to rape and Boys will casually objectify women. A definition which includes, Boys will treat people - will treat girls - with respect and equality. We need to redefine our expectations for boys. We need a definition that sets a higher bar for what it means to be a boy instead of "they’re just young’, ‘it’s just boy talk’ or even ‘if girls dress like that then what do you expect from boys? We need to stop victim blaming. We need to stop encouraging sexism.
  • How about boys will be caring.
  • Boys will be patient.
  • Boys will be supportive.
  • Boys will be able to accept their mistakes.
  • Boys will be understanding.
  • Boys will be able to grow.
  • Boys will be equally responsible.
  • Boys will be sensitive.
  • Boys will be vulnerable.
  • Boys will ask for consent.
  • Boys will be more emotionally present as fathers.
  • Boys will not be disgusted by periods.

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Sunday, 21 June 2020


"A wise old man was talking to a boy and said, "There are two wolves fighting inside of me. One is filled with anger, hate, jealously, shame and lies. The other wolf is filled with joy, love, truth, and peace." 

The two wolves are present inside of every men. Our Self Respect depends on the Wolf we feed. Don't let other people's opinions about you control you. Don't let your mistakes define who you are. 

If you focus on the bad actions that you’ve done, you cave yourself into darkness and can’t see the good in life, which is what a lot of teenagers do. When you are down, try to remember the good that you’ve done and not the bad, because focusing on negative thoughts leads you to nothingness in the end. It’s hard to overcome some Self-Respect issues, but when you’re able to look in the mirror and smile and tell yourself you’re a beautiful person, it is an amazing feeling. Everybody hunts for the negativity in you not the positivity. You are the only one to build the Self Respect in front of the eyes of the so called HUMANS.

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Thursday, 18 June 2020


[Homosexuality Definition : Sexually attached to people of same sex]
Being Gay Is Like Glitter That Never Fade Away 

There are almost 4200 religion in the world. I just wonder if there is any GOD who is HOMOPHOBIC. Is it a crime to be a gay or lesbian? Homosexual teens often get stressed and get into depression, like whether they have to hide who they are, whether they will be harassed about being GAY, or whether they will face judgements if they are honest about who they really are. As a child we are always taught that one day we will marry a man or a woman. But no one explains us that if we fall in love with same gender IT'S OKAY. Many gay teens worry about whether they will be accepted or rejected by their loved ones, or whether people will feel upset, angry, or disappointed in them. These fears of prejudice, discrimination, rejection, or violence, can lead some teens who aren't straight to keep their sexual orientation secret, even from friends and family who might be supportive.

Many parents of gay teens understand and are accepting right from the start. They feel they have known all along, even before their teen came out to them. They often feel glad that their child chose to confide in them, and are proud of their child for having the courage to tell them.
Other parents feel upset, disappointed, or unable to accept their teen's sexual orientation at first. They may be concerned or worried about whether their son or daughter will be bullied, mistreated, or marginalized. And they might feel protective, worrying that others might judge or reject their child. Some also struggle to reconcile their teen's sexual orientation with their religious or personal beliefs. Sadly, some react with anger, hostility, or rejection.
Many teens end their lives because of such judgment.
The SOCIETY itself plays a very crucial role in discriminating HOMOSEXUALITY. They alway find Homosexuality as a SIN. Never have i understood with the statement "I Don't Agree With Homosexuality, " like people be gay and being Gay isn't an objective fact of reality its like saying "i don't agree with mountains" like Bitch... The mountains been there and will still be there, You Sound Foolish! 

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo


[Nepotisn Definition :- Using your power or influence to give unfair advantages to your family, specially by giving them job]

A Doctor wants their child to be a doctor, An Engineer want their child to be an engineer, A Politician wants their child to be a politician, and so on. And rich parents pays lakhs and crore of money to fulfill their dreams. And what about those who barely gets one time supper to stay alife? What about their dreams?
But a labour never wants their child to be a labour. They want to come up of the Poverty. They want their children to be educated and live a successful life without any barriers. But unfortunately their dreams are barley fulfilled due to poverty. 
Are poor people not HUMANS? Don't they have the right to fulfill their DREAMS? 

Rich are becoming Richer And Poor are becoming Poorer. All the scholarships are taken away by the people who already has a lively living. So many opportunities are snatched away from the weak people. And here we are with a zip on our mouth and blind folds on our eyes. We see everything happening in front of our eyes yet are forced to become blind and shut our mouth. 
Humans says that "MONEY CAN'T BUY HAPPINESS" But I say that "MONEY IS EVERYTHING". If you have money you can fulfill your dreams and if you don't have money then say "GOOD BYE TO DREAMS ". Lucky are those who work hard to achieve their goal. 

NEPOTISM starts from our home. Specially from the Richer. It is we human who started the race and before reaching the final destination we are trapped somewhere in the middle of NOWHERE. 
I don't want to talk about any other country, I will just talk about my Country "INDIA". I am brought up in a family where I am taught about equality. I'm from a well to do family, and i am really thankful to God. My Parents have taught me and my brother to give equal respect to the poorest as well as to the richest. While chatting with some Social Media Friends, many people often ask me that how I'm so comfortable while chatting with them with zero attitude. And I answer them that I am not talking to any poor or rich person. I'm talking to a HUMAN.

Thank You 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Thursday, 4 June 2020


I am SO SORRYπŸ™ Amma and Baby Elephant🐘

Unlike any other pregnant MOTHER, she was also waiting for the day to see her little BABY. Bringing Gentle Animals Into The World For The Sole Purpose Of ENSLAVING Them, INFLICTING Pain, And SUFFERING And MUTILATING Their Innocent Bodies, Is A Disturbing Act Of CRUELTY And VIOLENCE By So Called INTELLIGENT HUMAN...Being Human Means We Have A Choice... We Can Speak, We Can Express Ourselves... The Moral Burden Of That Freedom Of Choice Compels Us To Spare An Innocent ANIMAL Suffering And Death Because We Can... 
How Many Images Do You Have To See, Before Your Heart Ache As Much As Mine... How May Stories Do You Need To Be Told, Before You Open Your EYES , Your HEART , Your SOUL And Your MIND ... We Have The Power To Change Things, A Way To Stop Their PAIN... You Just Need To Go VAGAN... Never Pay Towards Cruelty Again... You Won't Target That You Did It... Only That You Hadn't Done It Before... So, Step Towards Compassion, And Leave The Pain Behind A Locked Door...

(According To The Sources) 
The pregnant ELEPHANT was fed pineapple where the crackers were stuffed In , which exploded in her mouth and damaged her jaw. She walked around the village and finally passed away standing in the river. She was about to give birth to her child in around 18-20 weeks. 

Indians Who Gives Tips To Become Beautiful And Have FAIR Skin, Are Shouting Black Lives Matters. SHAME ON YOU πŸ—―️ 

There are billion of people who are fighting for the justice of George Floyd... And even the Indians are supporting for his justice... I'm not against anyone, and i don't wanna discriminate anyone... I myself am a Dravidian... All my four father's complexion were dark... 
But to all the Indians out there, who never raise voice or put something on social media regarding the problems in our own country... And now they are raising voice for the U.S.A incident... Sorry to say but, SHAME ON YOU... 

We all know that we have the freedom to Ourselves... But for all those Uncles, Aunties, Sisters, Brother etc out there, who spend thousands of money on their face and body... Writing #BlackLivesMatters won't make you superior until you accept ur own body... I have gone through 85% of Indian Celebrities Instagram, and among those 85%, almost 75% of them have raised voice for the #BlackLives... And only 10% of the Indian Celebrities have raised voices for the justice for The Pregnant Elephant & Her Unborn Baby...

This is what we Indians are learning from our childhood regarding Beauty & Ugly.. I don't think, I need to explain more about this picture... I would like to conclude by saying that If You Can't Stand For Your Own People, Then What will You Get By Standing For Others... I'm really shocked by the interest of the Indians... Never Do For The Sake Of Doing... Try To Feel Empathy Don't Fake Your Sympathy.. 

Thank You, 
Tersina Maria Toppo 

Kurukh kheri πŸ“œ

In the forest’s heart, where secret echoes,   Lives the tale of the Orangs, beneath the cosmos.   With Kurukh tongues, they speak to the lan...